Order Your Commercial Decorative Pebble Bulk Products Now!

Did you know that Materials In The Raw have bulk products ready to be delivered to you?

We actually have a Commercial Division specialising in bulk supply and delivery of a wide variety of premium bulk products including Aggregates, Sands, Soils, Mulches, Decorative Pebbles and more!


Materials In The Raw has the area’s largest and most unique range of bulk materials. Offering the building, construction, landscaping, and civil works industries a place for a variety of aggregates, soils, sands, mulch & composts to meet any site specifications and budget.

Materials In The Raw not only have the most diverse range of products but we offer several options with deliveries, from tip trucks, truck and trailers & bulk bag deliveries, we are also very competitive with prices and offer an unmatchable service guarantee, as a commercial client you are dealing direct with the owner ensuring that you are getting the best possible prices as well as the highest level of service ensuring our customers are completely satisfied.

All products can be delivered in any sized tip trucks catering for small to the very large jobs, whether you are looking at 1 tonne or 100 tonne we can accomodate for your unique needs. All product can be delivered in 1 tonne bulk bags and delivered to site making it simple to contain product on smaller sites or even multiple story sites.

Our drivers and operators are adequately trained and licensed and will always operate according to worksafe standards. Materials In The Raw vehicles are fitted with the latest safety features and our truck fleet is fitted with GPS navigation and tracking ensuring our drivers get from A to B using the safest and most effective route.


Decorative Pebbles

We offer a broad range of Decorative Pebble Supplies and Pebble Products for Sydney landscapers, builders & gardeners.

Decorative Pebbles can be used as a garden finish when a permanent covering is required. Although they do not break down and improve soil structure in the way mulches do, they have similar benefits such as weed suppression, protection from temperature extremes and reduction of evaporation rates.

Another advantage is that pebbles do not blow around, making them ideal for driveways and pathways. Also, although the original cost may be higher, pebbles don’t require topping up like mulch reducing the expense and maintenance over the life of the garden.


We stock the following Decorative Pebbles online and in store:

- Brown River Pebble 20MM

- Brown River Pebble 50MM

- Cowra Pebble White 20MM

- Cowra Pebble White 40MM

- Black Pebbles (Polished) 10-20MM

- Limestone Aggregate 20MM

- Decomposed Granite Gold

Decorative pebbles can dramatically add to the appeal of a garden. They can be matched to a theme, bringing colour and texture that improves the plant life and brings authenticity to the design. For example, a rockery or native planting will be complemented by the soft neutrals of brown river pebble. A contemporary design with structural foliage will be enhanced by the obvious contrast of a white pebble or limestone aggregate.

Our bagged imported pebbles can also be considered when a more opulent result is required. Snow white or polished black pebbles can bring sophistication to your favourite ceramic pot, small garden area or water feature. Decorative gravels are available in bulk by the tonne loose or in 1 tonne sling bags. There is also a range of decorative gravels and imported pebbles in handy 20kg bags.


How much will you need:

As a standard rule when calculating the quantity of stones required to cover an area, always allow for 2.5 times the size of the stone or pebble as your minimum depth. This will ensure you have adequate coverage so there are no gaps where you can see through to the ground below. To calculate the amount of product you will need follow the following steps.

First – Calculate the area in square metres first.

Multiply the length times the width, if your area is 5 metres by 10 metres, it’s 5 x 10 = 50 Square metres.

Second – Multiply the square metres by the depth you wish to fill to.

For our example we will assume that we need to fill to a depth of 7.5cm or 0.075 metres so the calculation looks like this, 50 Square metres multiplied by 0.075 metres = 3.75 cubic metres.

If you’re wanting more information on how we deliver Decorative Pebbles or a quote on commercial aggregate project pricing, then please contact our commercial landscape sales team here. You can also visit our physical yards and purchase Decorative Pebbles at Chullora in Sydney.




Materials in the Raw is a well established business that specialises in the supply of landscaping and building materials from multiple locations in the Sydney Metropolitan Area. We care so much about providing quality service to our customers, so please reach out if you want to know more about us or our services! You can do so by simply clicking on this and filling out a contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!