The Benefits Of Using Mulch For Landscaping

Did you know that Materials In The Raw have bulk products ready to be delivered to you?

We actually have a Commercial Division specialising in bulk supply and delivery of a wide variety of premium bulk products including Mulches! Find out why Mulches are so useful for landscaping below.

What is Mulch?

Mulch is used as a protective layer around a plant or over the soil surface, providing a significant range of benefits for you and your garden. Mulch comes from a wide variety of organic or inorganic materials.

Like we said, mulch has many benefits for your Sydney garden. Check them out

1. Adds organic matter to your soil, helping to make your garden healthier and more resistant to pest and disease

2. Provides valuable slow-release nutrients and prevents vitamin loss in plants

3. Keeps moisture in the soil for longer. Since mulch shields the soil from the sun, it prevents evaporation. It also reduces water run-off during rain or watering, reducing the amount of water needed.

4. Shades fragile seedlings from too much sun expsoure

5. Improves soil conditions and helps to bind sandy soils and open up clay soils

6. Is a great insulator by regulating soil temperature. Keeps roots consistently cool in summer and warm in winter

7. Provides a natural barrier to stop weeds from growing and competing with plants for nutrients, which is done by blocking the sunlight. You’ll find it easier to remove the few weeds that do grow.

8. Increases biological activity in your soil by providing beneficial micro-organisms and earthworms with food

9. Time spent watering is reduced significantly

10. Saves you time and energy preparing the soil

11. Provides support around plants especially young seedlings

12. Protects plants from frost damage due to the protective layer

13. Provides a clean surface for produce like fruit and nuts to fall, ready for harvesting.

14. Improves soil drainage and structure as it decomposes

15. Prevents nutrients from leaving the soil

16. Recycles waste materials such as organic mulches like grass clippings and leaves.

17. Improves the aesthetic of your garden

18. Prevents erosion and soil compaction particularly from foot traffic on pathways and play areas

19. Protects plants from mud-splash during rain or hosing

20. Can provide a safe home for plant-friendly insects

So regardless of where you live and how your plants are positioned, mulch is a key ingredient for a prosperous organic garden.

Test Garden Tip: While a concentrated layer of mulch is ideal, don't overdo it. The best depth for a mulch layer is 2–4 inches. If it's any deeper, it can be difficult for oxygen to reach the soil, which can cause your plants to suffer.

Over time, garden mulch types made from organic materials break down and increase your soil's structure and fertility. This is particularly true with compost used as a mulch, as the nutrients will promote soil organisms and aid in plant growth.

When to Mulch

Every spring, check on the mulched areas of your garden and add more if the layer is starting to thin out. If you're mulching a large area of your yard for the first time, you may want to look into getting a delivery from a bulk supplier. It'll be cheaper than buying a ton of bags of mulch from your local garden center, and you won't have to transport all of the bags to your garden either.

When late Autumn rolls around, check on your mulch again, and reapply if needed. In the winter, a good layer of mulch helps regulate the soil temperature. Make sure it's already cold out if you're adding mulch in the fall; once the ground has frozen a few times, you can add more mulch as a protective layer.

Luckily for you, Materials In The Raw provides a broad range of Mulch Supplies and Mulching Products for Sydney landscapers, builders & gardeners

Choosing your mulch is a matter of personal preference and budget. If you’re wanting soil improvement you may want to try leaf mulch, sugar cane or eucalyptus mulch whereas for durability try a wood chip or pine bark. For colour contrast you may like to experiment with red wood chip. Red wood chip is dyed with environmentally non toxic dyes, which looks especially good in formal areas with dark green foliage. Alternatively, if you have a sand stock brick house you may like eucalyptus mulch, harmonising with the rusty golden new growth of Lillipillis. Materials In The Raw stock the following types of Mulch:

Why choose Materials In The Raw?

At Materials in the Raw, we value our customers tremendously. It is our mission and business goal to help you build the best with our diverse range of products and commitment to great service.

Our experienced and passionate staff will work with you to ensure you get the job done right. All Materials In The Raw employees are trained regularly so they are up to date with the latest products, trends and tips.

We are determined to be the best in the industry and we go beyond building materials. Materials In The Raw has a genuine commitment to supporting local communities to maintain their strength and cleanliness.


Materials in the Raw is a well established business that specialises in the supply of landscaping and building materials from multiple locations in the Sydney Metropolitan Area. We care so much about providing quality service to our customers, so please reach out if you want to know more about us or our services! You can do so by simply clicking on this and filling out a contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!